Comments for How Brands Can Prepare For Population Decline Helping marketing oriented leaders and professionals build strong brands. Wed, 13 Sep 2023 20:35:37 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Building Brands For Now From Then by Paul McCabe Wed, 13 Sep 2023 20:35:37 +0000 Just fantastic. Spot on.

Comment on Brand Advantage: Become Your Own Archetype by Patrick Hanlon Sun, 30 Jul 2023 18:19:50 +0000 Sorry for the confusion. While it may be a stretch to propose that communications based on quarterly sales might also have the ability to last a few thousand years into the future, I wonder “Why not?” The short-term objective, though, is to build your narrative in a form that seems to be everlasting. “Primal branding” and Jungian archetypes are knit from the same cloth (Merino wool, if you like), so start there. The objective is not to mimic archetypes by rote, but to foster curiosity and originality around your own enterprise. By using these tools to create our own stories, we attract others and conjure passion and advocacy. Create your own mythology, your own heroes. In sum, don’t be like anything else. It pays to be weird.

Comment on Brand Advantage: Become Your Own Archetype by Paul McCabe Wed, 26 Jul 2023 16:02:03 +0000 I am not sure I understand the message here. The lead in suggests that a goal for brands is to Become Your Own Archetype, suggesting, I think, that there is something greater to reach for than the archetypes Jung has described. However, the piece seems to conclude by suggesting that brands should embrace these primal archetypes, as doing so will lead to a tribe of consumers that experience the “warm bath of affirmation, trust, vision, belonging and kinship.”.

Is this article proposing a progression, where brands first either target (startup) or identify (mature) their Jungian archetype, then move beyond this to become something unique? If the goal is the latter, would this somehow be better than experiencing the benefits of living within a well-defined and proven archetype?

Comment on Brand Strategy For Startups by Mike Hallaron Wed, 19 Jul 2023 16:21:48 +0000 Derrick, your point about locating the “Why” in your brand strategy is spot on. Understanding the difference or the big idea, the value prop, the USP, etc. They are all the same thing. This is critical before any marketing begins, even before your naming, visual design and logo work gets underway. Understanding that idea is really important for a startup.

When asked to define branding now, I often use Bill Schley’s definition. It’s simple and to the point: A brand is an idea attached to a name. If startups do it right, people will remember that one, clear idea you’re bringing to customers. Then marketing can flow from that all-important differentiator.

Really enjoyed this one, Derrick. Saving it!

Comment on Lessons From Bud Light’s Brand Management Mistakes by Dawn Gribble Sun, 28 May 2023 06:20:14 +0000 Influencer marketing is a great way to reach large audiences quickly, but it’s important to remember that it needs to be done carefully. Bud Light’s campaign is a great example of what can go wrong when it is not done properly.

The need for extensive testing before launching a campaign is particularly important.

Since branding is so important to a company’s success, how can companies ensure that all levels of management understand it and participate in developing and implementing branding strategies?
