The Age Of The Disruptive Marketer
The creative imagination is more important than ever now because right before our very eyes we are transitioning to what Peter Drucker called a “post-capitalist economy.”
The creative imagination is more important than ever now because right before our very eyes we are transitioning to what Peter Drucker called a “post-capitalist economy.”
It’s important to realize why the world of marketing is disruptive at this point of the 21st Century.
Where does normalcy in business originate? And how does the disruptive marketer avoid getting caught in its trap? Much of normalcy comes from what is known as the “shared vision meme.”
Everything is undergoing disruption these days. So much so, that I hate that word and I don’t want to use it anymore. Last week during the United States Presidential election we learned a few things that should remind us as marketers that just because something worked in 2008 doesn’t mean it will work in 2016.
If building big brands is so valuable why aren’t there more success stories? My experience is the pay-off can be huge but there are obstacles that must be overcome.