
Brand Research - Branding Strategy Insider

The most successful brand research studies the habits of people who use your competitors and points to ways to affect their environment to get them to think about your brand as a choice. Most brand research does not consider this. The focus is on studying people’s actions and reactions, not habits. Explore the latest brand research techniques on Branding Strategy Insider.
The Formula For Scrutinizing Brand Survey Data

All survey results are not created equal. Sometimes, it’s just people answering whatever question happens to be put to them, not a real opinion that reflects some firmly held attitude or belief. This caution is especially important nowadays since contemporary surveys generally rely on prequalified panels of respondents who are compensated for answering.

A New Era In Hotel Market Segmentation

The hotel industry uses a segmentation designed by consultancy STR that is all about price, service and amenities. This segmentation uses language that most humans would find bizarre when thinking about their hotel stay. No matter how many consultants provide insight to hotel groups, the default is always price, service and amenities. The STR hotel segmentations basically looks like this: Economy, Mid-Scale, Upper Mid-Scale, Upscale, Upper Upscale and Luxury.

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