
Brand Perceptions - Branding Strategy Insider

Brand perceptions are shaped by the sum of all experiences customers have with your brand. In short, people buy when they believe in the value of what they are getting and their focus is drawn away, through critical factors like perceived quality, from the plethora of options available in the market to the one or two products that ‘feel like them’.
The Shift In Shaping Brand Perceptions

We live in a world of the frame. Especially with over half the world’s countries coming out of a multi-month lockdown, our experiences are limited, contained within the frame. We don’t read about them, we only see them. The thing about the frame is, viewers only see what’s inside the frame. There’s no way of knowing what’s outside the frame, what came before or why the frame is composed the way it is.

Brand Perception Management

During all the years of my practice, by far the best definition of branding I have used is ‘managing perceptions in people’s minds’. It tells us where the effect of branding takes place – in people’s minds – and it tells us what that effect is – managing perceptions.

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